This code is in Intel HEX format. It can be burned into 2716 EPROMs and just plugged into the Processor card. No special wiring needed or switch changes. I tesed this code with 100ns EPROMs but have not tested it on slower EPROMs. The part numbers of the ROMs are: U8 1818-3742 U9 1818-3741 U10 1818-3743 U11 1818-3744 U12 1818-3747 U13 1818-3746 U26 1818-3749 U27 1818-3748 U28 1818-3745 A note about the processor and support chips. It may not be obviously but the processor family is the Fairchild F8 (3850) family, which is nearly impossible to get anymore so be careful around these parts.